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Calibration Service for...
Civil Defense Survey Meters,
Geiger Counters
and Dosimeters!

Civil Defense Radiation Detection Meters, Geiger Counters  & Dosimeters FAQ

This Page Presents Our Calibration Services for Civil Defense Radiation Detection Survey Meters, Geiger Counters & Dosimeters FAQ!

See all our for-sale Calibrated Civil Defense instruments and other nuke protection products offered here.

Last Updated: February 10th, 2025
From Cold War Relics to a Calibrated First Line of Defense...

Questions or comments, contact:



KI4U, Inc. offers professional Calibration Certification Services for FEMA Civil Defense...
  • Survey Meters (CD V-710, CD V-715, CD V-717 and CD V-720)

  • Geiger Counter based instruments (CD V-700, CD V-457, CD V-781 and CD V-757)

  • Dosimeters (CD V-138, CD V-730, CD V-740 and CD V-742)

  • Other instruments - Call or e-mail us for a quote. Do not send until talking with us first.
These same-type Civil Defense survey meters and dosimeters are decades long field proven accurate and reliable, and still in current use by thousands of Fire Depts, Haz-Mat and First Responders across the country. We daily have federal and state agencies and municipalities shipping us their Civil Defense instruments to be re-calibrated, as well as from the general public.

We highly recommend to any that own a CD instrument that they both have it be recently certified calibrated, at least every 4-6 years if sitting sealed up quietly on a shelf, and learn how to properly use it. The best reference is the FEMA 'RADIATION SAFETY IN SHELTERS' 120 page handbook. It is the premier instructional resource for the practical field use of these specific Civil Defense instruments calibrated here and sold on our site, in a for-real nuclear emergency. Subtitled: "A handbook for finding and providing the best protection in shelters with the use of instruments for detecting nuclear radiation." This practical manual goes far beyond the limited coverage included in the brief manuals that come with the FEMA Civil Defense survey meters and dosimeters. This is a must-have for anyone with CD instruments. Buy a hard copy to store with your meter or read it on-line for free here.

- Successfully calibrated instruments are returned with a label affixed to them certifying their calibration and stating who calibrated it and when, along with the serial number and model designation.

- Additionally, a Certificate of Calibration with the actual before and after accuracy responses for each of the different ranges available on the instrument is included.

KI4U, Inc. is licensed and authorized by the State of Texas (Bureau of Radiation Control License No. L05515) to perform these calibrations at our lab here conforming to the standards as set forth by the State of Texas, FEMA, ASTM and the NRC.

KI4U, Inc. is the only private, non-government, lab that specializes in calibrating all these high-range Civil Defense instruments.

We utilize the original 'Dept. of the Army - Office of Civil Defense' CD V-794, N.I.S.T. Traceable Cs-137 (Cesium) calibrators that were specifically designed for properly calibrating these Civil Defense meters and dosimeters. (The Geiger Counter based instruments, such as the CD V-700's, are tested and calibrated here with other certified sources.)

CD V-794 Calibrators at KI4U Lab for testing Civil Defense Survey Meters and Dosimeters.

Calibration chamber remote testing setup for Civil Defense Survey Meters. Calibration chamber remote testing setup for Civil Defense Survey Meters. Calibration chamber remote testing setup for Civil Defense Survey Meters.
Jig for Remote Range Switching & Adjustments
(Jig-ready testing bottom case is used in-place of regular meter case.)
Test Meter in Exposure Chamber with Flex Cable (Range Selector) and Jig Fixture (Range Adjustment) Connected Calibrator Remote Range Adjustment Tuning Knobs (top to bottom: X0.1, X1, X10, X100)

At our lab here in Gonzales, Texas, with the team of trained & certified technicians...

Our Evaluation, Testing & Repair Lab in Gonzales, Texas...

...we evaluate, repair, and perform the certified lab calibrations on these Civil Defense instruments.

Our full-time RSO (Radiation Safety Officier) and lab director here, has served as an RSO on three separate licenses. He began his career in the mid-sixties at Oak Ridge National Labs and subsequently served at both Los Alamos National Laboratory and PanTex Nuclear Weapons Plant facility, as well as numerous nuclear power plants. He was a consultant to the Safeguards Program focused on developing the anti-terrorism strategies for nuclear facilities in the US. He was also the Chairman of the Nuclear Technology Program at a southern university for seven years and is the author of five books on the subject. Also, while at the Texas Bureau of Radiation Control, he not only repaired, maintained and calibrated these same FEMA Civil Defense instruments, but was a certified instructor in the proper use of them in a nuclear emergency.

To learn more about KI4U, Inc. and all that we do Click Here.

Calibration Fee Schedule:

$112.00 - Survey Meters: CD V-710, CD V-715, CD V-717, CD V-720
$112.00 - Geiger Counters: CD V-700, CD V-457, CD V-781 and CD V-757
$25.00 - Dosimeters: CD V-138, CD V-730, CD V-740, CD V-742

- For quantity pricing of calibrating 10 or more meters or dosimeters, or for other CD instruments not listed above or non-CD instrument calibration quotes, contact us first here: or by phone at (830) 672-8734.

- Above pricing does include return shipping.

- Turnaround time currently is less than 7 business days.

We'll update this page promptly if that time frame changes from increased demands.

- All successfully calibrated instruments will be returned with a label affixed to them certifying their calibration and stating who calibrated it and when, along with the serial number and model designation. (See photo above.) Additionally, a Certificate of Calibration with the actual before and after accuracy responses for each of the different ranges available on the instrument is included.

- Dosimeters are first electric leak tested under heat for five days then radiation accuracy tested to mid-scale.

- If the meter or dosimeter is un-calibratable for any reason, we'll refund 1/2 of the calibration fee payment and retain the other 1/2 for the attempt and cost to ship back.

However, if we determine that the problem is likely a readily repairable issue we'll first contact you with an estimate to repair, for you to then decide if we should proceed with the repair of the unit, which includes, after repair, successful certified calibration already paid for.

- Ship your meters and/or dosimeters in a secure and padded box along with your return address, phone number and a check payable to "KI4U, Inc." to:

KI4U, Inc.
212 Oil Patch Lane
Gonzales, TX 78629

See all our for-sale high-range CDV survey meters & dosimeters here!
We have the largest inventory in the nation, with 100,000+ instruments!

Our for-sale calibrated meters...

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Civil Defense Radiation Meters Geiger Counters FAQ Using CD Meters in Fallout Shelters (FEMA - 120 pg book)
Civil Defense Radiation Meters Geiger Counters FAQ 'Nuclear War Survival Skills' (280 pg book) FREE On-Line Here!
Civil Defense Radiation Meters Geiger Counters FAQ Trans-Pacific Fallout (Don't be caught off-guard by these ill winds!)

Comments or Suggestions for additional resources to add here:

KI4U, Inc.
212 Oil Patch Lane
Gonzales, Texas, 78629
(830) 672-8734

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Chemical & Biological Attack, Detection & Response FAQ