July 06, 2000
Fire Proposal Two
These photos show the NEW changes that we have made
since the Fire Safety Commission hearing on June 22nd, and we discuss further changes that we could make.
01. Front Gate
The front gate can have a new warning sign posted on it stating
that "Township BY-LAW 2000-1 declares the shelter on this property
to be without fire or rescue services."

02. Front Gate Lock
The front gate lock has been replaced with a stronger lock.

03. Road In
We can post new warning signs on both entrances of the bike trail stating
that "Township BY-LAW 2000-1 declares the shelter on this property
to be without fire or rescue services" and put No Trespass signs and
barriers on the bike trail.

04. Parking Lot and Main Entrance
We have no explosives in the shelter but several persons who have been
in the explosive business have likened the shelter to the security
of an explosive bunker.

05. HEAVY STEEL Double Locked Front Door
Vandals damage the lock by putting glue in it and they have sometimes knocked off the front cover, but they have not gotten the door open since we put two locks on it several years ago.

06 NEW Front Door Yale Lock
We have replaced the previous Yale lock with what the locksmiths say is a longer and stronger Yale lock. Above that is the protection for the hacksawproof lock.

07 Cutter Proof Lock
While other locks have been cut off, no one has been able to reach or cut this one off since we changed to this style and its protector. The view is looking up from the ground.

08 Filler Pipes For Fuel Bunker
This is a distance shot of the main fuel bunker filler and breather pipes.

09 Close-up of Filler Pipes
This is a closer view of the main fuel bunker's filler and breather pipe.

10 NEW Lock on Filler Pipes
This is a NEW lock on the main fuel bunker filler pipe. The tanks are empty and have been inspected by the Fuel Safety Branch and have been modified to their specifications and reinspected and approved.

11. Entrance to Fuel Bunker
This is the entrance way to the main fuel bunker. There is NO access from the fuel bunker to the shelter. The fuel bunker is a separate building and small enough that it does not require a building permit.

12. NEW Lock and NEW Hasp

13. NEW Toilet Vents Cap
The shaft beneath the cover is backfilled up to one foot beneath the surface. No one could have fallen down it even with the cover off.

14. NEW Lock on Toilet Vent Cap

15. Air Intake Shaft Cover
All the air intakes are covered by large steel tanks that are about 7 feet high. These covers were designed and installed as result of the Fire Marshal inspection about 10 years ago. Vandals knocked the hinges off the doors but no one has ever ever gotten in through one since they have bolted from the inside for the last five years.

16. Steel Door on Air Intake Shaft Cover
This one door did not fit tightly so that the bolts on one side could be seen. The Fire Marshal Inspector was afraid that someone might take a hacksaw and get in. It would do them no good because there is now a barred steel grate and a steel door at the bottom that the inspector says that it took two firemen to open from the inside, and those are now locked from the inside.

17. NEW Hacksaw Guard on Door
We have now welded a hacksaw guard over the bolts, both top and bottom, so that no one can get at them with a hacksaw. Anything can be broken into with the proper tools and enough time, but if the idea is to keep children out then this is nothing that a child can break through.

18. NEW WELD on Door Hacksaw Guard
The welder working on this door actually overdid it and welded the door shut.

19. NEW cap on
Air Exhaust #3
All the Air Exhausts had caps originally, but they were capable of being removed. We did keep the holes covered. We have now put locking caps on all the exhaust events.

20. NEW Lock on Air Exhaust Cap #3
This is the lock on the exhaust cap. Like anything else, with enough time and effort it could be broken into. However, even if one were to hacksaw off the lock, there is no access to the shelter through the air exhaust.
At the bottom of the one foot diameter pipe there are five inch pipes
that run off a distance of five feet to the shelter.

21. Steel Ring NEWLY BACKFILLED over Hatch Door
This steel ring surrounded the cap on the Antenna Balloon Room for the Transmitter Room. The Fire Marshal was concerned that two men could lift it a couple of feet before it ran into its locking chain. Access to the Transmitter room still does not gain one access to the shelter because there is a steel door and grate between the room and the shelter and that steel door and grate are locked from inside the shelter. Nevertheless, we have now backfilled the steel ring.

22. Cap over Exhaust #2
All the Air Exhausts had caps originally, but they were capable of being removed. We did keep the holes covered. We have now put locking caps on all the exhaust events.

23. NEW Lock on Exhaust Cap #2
This is the lock on the exhaust cap. Like anything else, with enough time and effort it could be broken into. However, even if one were to hacksaw off the lock, there is no access to the shelter through the air exhaust.
At the bottom of the one foot diameter pipe there are five inch pipes
that run off a distance of five feet to the shelter.

24. New Cap over Exhaust #1
All the Air Exhausts had caps originally, but they were capable of being removed. We did keep the holes covered. We have now put locking caps on all the exhaust events.

25. NEW Lock on Exhaust #1
This is the lock on the exhaust cap. Like anything else, with enough time and effort it could be broken into. However, even if one were to hacksaw off the lock, there is no access to the shelter through the air exhaust.
At the bottom of the one foot diameter pipe there are five inch pipes
that run off a distance of five feet to the shelter.

26. NEW Stop Washer on Exhaust #1
Each of the air exhaust caps have two steel washers. The one on the end opposite the lock is welded on the locking bar to keep the bar from being pulled through. Only one washer has been shown in this series of pictures but all of the air exhaust vent locking bars have two.

27. Road Beside Small Fuel Bunker #1
This shot is shown here for orientation.

28. Entrance on Small Fuel Bunker #1
This is the entrance way to a small fuel bunker. There is NO access from the fuel bunker to the shelter. The fuel bunker is a separate building and small enough that it does not require a building permit. The bunkers have been inspected by the Fuel Safety Branch and have been modified to their specifications and reinspected and approved.

29. NEW Lock and Hasp on Small Fuel Bunker #1

30. Entrance on Small Fuel Bunker #2
This is the entrance way to a small fuel bunker. There is NO access from the fuel bunker to the shelter. The fuel bunker is a separate building and small enough that it does not require a building permit. The tanks have been inspected by the Fuel Safety Branch and have been modified to their specifications and reinspected and approved.

31. NEW Lock and Hasp on Small Fuel Bunker #2